Yoram Gross, an Israeli born animator, who immigrated to Australia after founding an important puppet animation studio in Israel, has produced a considerable number of successes. His “trademark” seems to be using fully animated characters amongst live-filmed backgrounds. He has produced DOT AND THE KANGAROO, based on a book written in 1899 concerning a little girl named Dot who gets lost in the Australian bush and is adopted by a kangaroo who has lost her joey. Yoram Gross has also produced THE LITTLE CONVICT, featuring the voice of Rolf Harris, and DOT AROUND THE WORLD, where Dot and a swagman set out to look for Mother Kangaroo’s lost joey. When the action starts, Dot is transformed into an animated character and the swaggie becomes Santa Claus. They set off in a sleigh drawn by kangaroos and Santa leads Dot on a guided tour around the globe, experiencing cosmopolitan Christmases along the way.
Awaiting release is THE SEVENTH MATCH, with the voice of Mia Farrow. The story of a young child orphaned by war and her struggle to survive. It is said to be representative of the plight of children in war-torn countries and acts as the voice of all children against the suffering and hardship imposed by all wars. Also awaiting release in December 1983 is his latest film, DOT AND THE BUNNY. Dot continues her search for the missing joey and is constantly confronted by a little rabbit who is desperately trying to be recognised as a kangaroo, in order to be a protected species.
In 1981, the Melbourne partnership of Phillip Adams and Alex Stitt produced GRENDEL, GRENDEL, GRENDEL with the voices of Peter Ustinov and Keith Michell. It is a version of the Beowulf story in which the roles of the chief protagonists are reversed. Grendel becomes the chief, sympathetic character.