Issue 15 – Spring 1986
Ken Clark chats with Bob Godfrey
A good character animator should also be a good actor, and inside Bob Godfrey is a true thespian struggling to be seen and heard.
A He-Man leads the U.S.A. $yndication War$
Syndication is the red hot TV cartoon trend of the 1980s says George W. Woolery. He tells us how big dollars are made by the right packages.
Newfeld seek new toys
David Jefferson visits a toy manufacturer who is looking for an idea for an animated film they can back. A clever concept could make a fortune in royalties.
Disneyland – the greatest walk-thru cartoon ever drawn
Brian Sibley visited Disneyland in 1985, during its thirtieth year celebrations and discovered that the Magic Kingdom was created along the lines of a living animated film.
Cambridge Animation Festival 1985
Neil Carstairs and David Jefferson report on the films and discussions.
Animation stew from The Black Cauldron
Brian Sibley takes an objective view of Disney’s feature cartoon that was ten years in the making.
D.I.Y. Rostrum Part Two
The Filmcraft 80 Rostrum is suitable for 8mm cameras and light 16mm cameras. David Jefferson tells how to make the base.
Cameras might fly – Beowulf in Plasticine
David J.M. Coleman describes a way of adding visual interest to a Plasticine puppet film with camera movement.