Stitching cards in the Form-A-Lines forum gallery


My Form-A-Lines forum has a number of enthusiastic greetings card stitchers among its members. I can recommend a visit to the new cards section of the gallery this week as it contains several beautiful stitching cards. “Strawberry” by Eileen Scott is a gorgeous combination of stitching, decoupage and cutting. “Another FAL Butterfly” made by Patsy … Read more

Finding a substitute pricking tool

Drawing Pin

You want to try the prick and stitch technique but do not want to spend out on a purpose made pricking tool until you are sure you will enjoy this card making technique. The solution is to look for a sharp pointed object that you already own. Here are some suggestions: A drawing pin (thumb … Read more

Free stitching card corner scroll pattern

Corner Scroll Card With An Iris Picture.

This corner scroll pattern is easy to stitch directly on to a greetings card. The simple design is worked in stem stitch. The photograph below shows the scrolls on a hammered cream card stitched in green thread. I have added a photograph of an iris that I took in my garden. You could add a picture … Read more

The crossing fill stitch

Animated Stitching Diagram

This post looks at a method of stitching that is often used to fill areas and shapes with colour. I call it the crossing fill stitch as that is what it does. I try to work this method of stitching into my pattern designs as it gives an attractive finish and is popular with stitching … Read more