About DavideoVisits

My name is David and I make videos on my visits to interesting places, hence Davideo Visits (or, to make it distinctive, DavideoVisits). I hope my videos and photographs provide relaxing inspiration for your future activities or pleasant reminiscences of places you know.

If you like what you see, please subscribe to the DavideoVisits YouTube channel.

Visit the DavideoVisits YouTube channel at:

DavideoVisits on YouTube


You may have noticed our web address starts with c3z3.com, a domain that is shared with other websites. By sharing resources, these websites use less energy than separate domains would, making them more eco-friendly. Plus, you can type c3z3.com into your web browser, and you will reach a page with a link to this blog.

We have been asked why c3z3? It was chosen because it is short and easy to remember (all the letters/numbers rhyme when z is pronounced zee). The number 3 has powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s (3 wishes, 3 wise men, etc.). Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it is generally an omen of creativity, communication, curiosity, zeal, zest, and zen.